He Oranga Hauora
Healthy Lifestyles
Who We Are
Joining together to deliver regional services with a local approach.
Between the three organisations, we can deliver services across the Bay of Plenty District Health Board region. Our joint venture entity is called Te Tūāpapa Auaha, and has been created to support partnership and collaboration across the Bay of Plenty into the future.
Working in partnership means services that would only be available at a regional level can be managed collaboratively by local kaupapa Māori services. We can then integrate that delivery with supporting services that are community based, and take a whānau ora approach.
Contact Info
Three strategically aligned organisations providing services to the wider Bay of Plenty.
Ngāti Ranginui Iwi
166 Seventeenth Avenue,
Tauranga 3112
Key Contact: Riley Houghton
Te Puke
Ngā Kākano Foundation
50 Jellicoe Street,
Te Puke 3120
Key contact: Puahikitia Kanapu
Eastern Bay
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua
90 King Street,
Whakatāne 3120
Key Contact: Sylvia Rangiahua